
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Nathan Cullen on online voting

Nathan Cullen spoke about the NDP's report on its electoral reform consultations.  You can watch on CPAC video.  The segment about online voting runs from 16:20 to 16:50 in "Voting Reform: News Conference - Nathan Cullen".
Let me take a couple of other things that I've had my mind changed on.  Going into this process I was quite enthusiastic about online voting - I thought you know, Canadians bank online, shop online, some date online, why not vote online?  The testimony we've gotten back from experts in the information technology field has put a chill on the committee, if I... - I don't want to speak for the whole committee, but - we've had many conversations about it, the testimony's been devastating towards the idea of online, just on security levels, not so much on access.
(Manual transcript by me from the video.)

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