Saturday, November 26, 2005
PG Elections - who are these people?
Paper is simple.
Electronic voting systems are complex.
This complexity leads to the idea: let's outsource all this complexity to a private company.
In the Quebec municipal elections, this was apparently PG Elections and a few other players. Did any of them actually MAKE any machines? I suspect not. I suspect all the machines are from our friends in the US, where the elections work so well.
(You can judge the listed PG Elections technology solutions for yourself.)
So... err... who the heck is PG Elections? It's a "division" of PGMensys.
"PG Systèmes d'Information inc. lance une nouvelle filiale, PG Elections inc. " (19 avril 2001)
Oh good, it appears to be some tiny (relatively speaking) technology consulting company. That's where you want to go when every vote counts.
Here's what's in
Apparently they have forgotten to put anything at the root of their server.
You have to do e.g.
There is also a site
which is also
I found a blog which says
This blog, Hors des lieux communs has been doing some good work digging into who the heck these people are, check the info in the Démocratie category.
Let's look into Qui sont les actionnaires de PG Elections ?
That's right. Thomas Gagnon all the way through.
Let's see, make a bunch of websites and companies, and on the web, a small enterprise can seem big...
Thomas Gagnon : nouveau membre du CRIM
Here's some good info with a great quote, English translation by me, if you don't like mixed English and French, get over it
If they actually developed anything themselves rather than just repackaging stuff from the States, I will be very surprised.
from L'interface technologique du vote démocratique au Québec
Yes, you read that right, he's was PROUD that Quebec City would be using electronic voting machines with no paper records.
The article also says that PG Mensys has 140 employees.
Anyway, I don't have time to track down all the details, I'm no investigative reporter.
Here's a last tidbit to ponder.
PG Elections North America, a subsidiary of PG Mensys Information Systems (same news as New subsidiary: PG Elections North America 2005-07-28)
Jonathon Hollins... the former head of the Canadian branch of US elections giant ES&S.
Any relation to John Hollins, the Chief Election Officer of Ontario (Elections Ontario), one may legitimately wonder.
Here's some of what it says on BBV for PG Elections NA
One also wonders what is happening with the Ontario pilot application plan for "alternative voting technologies" (i.e. electronic voting).
And on a final note it seems appropriate to close with
Electronic voting systems are complex.
This complexity leads to the idea: let's outsource all this complexity to a private company.
In the Quebec municipal elections, this was apparently PG Elections and a few other players. Did any of them actually MAKE any machines? I suspect not. I suspect all the machines are from our friends in the US, where the elections work so well.
(You can judge the listed PG Elections technology solutions for yourself.)
So... err... who the heck is PG Elections? It's a "division" of PGMensys.
"PG Systèmes d'Information inc. lance une nouvelle filiale, PG Elections inc. " (19 avril 2001)
Quebec city, February 23, 2005 - For twenty-five years, PG Mensys Information Systems has been developing innovative management systems aiming to serve municipalities all over Quebec. Constantly growing, PG Mensys Information Systems always goes forward, and still, remains close to its clients and in tune with their needs.
Mr. Thomas Gagnon, the President and CEO of PG Mensys Information Systems has just been honoured with the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner certification.
The PG Mensys Information Systems sales have reached $13 M in 2004, a 37% rise copared to 2003. The sales turnover, for the current year, was anticipated at $18 M, and that is a 39% rise compared to 2004 and almost 100% rise compared to 2003.
Let us recall that the year 2004 began with PG Information Systems acquiring Mensys, and therefore giving more competitiveness to PG Mensys Information Systems, for the medium and large city markets.
Another division of PG Mensys Information Systems, PG Elections, has been chosen by the Montreal and Longueuil transition committees to establish an electronic voting mechanism device for the upcoming 2005 general elections, for the nineteen municipalities being reconstituted. The mandate includes the preparation of electoral lists, computerized management of votes and electronic compilation of results. Let us recall that PG Elections detained more than 80% of the market share in 2004.
Oh good, it appears to be some tiny (relatively speaking) technology consulting company. That's where you want to go when every vote counts.
Here's what's in
Apparently they have forgotten to put anything at the root of their server.
You have to do e.g.
There is also a site
which is also
I found a blog which says
Quattra Design Inc. Quattra Design est le propriétaire du site web de PG Elections.
This blog, Hors des lieux communs has been doing some good work digging into who the heck these people are, check the info in the Démocratie category.
Let's look into Qui sont les actionnaires de PG Elections ?
PG Elections
PG Elections est la compagnie qui a fournie l'urne électronique ainsi que les listes électorales.
PG Elections appartient à PG MENSYS SYSTÈMES D'INFORMATION INC. qui appartient à Thomas gagnon (actionnaire majoritaire), Fonds d'investissement Desjardins du Bas-St-Laurent (deuxième actionnaire) et Mario Brisson (troisième actionnaire). Thomas Gagnon est administrateur-président-secrétaire.
On apprend également que PG Election a déjà porté 3 autres noms:
1-Programmation Gagnon inc. (1985-2000)
2-PG systèmes d'information inc. (2000-2004)
Un scoop : Le PG de PG Elections voudrait donc dire Programmation Gagnon!
Quattra Design Inc.
Quattra Design est le propriétaire du site web de PG Elections, site web sur lequel les hyperliens internes menaient parfois (voir le premier billet de cette série).
Quatra Design Inc. appartient à PG Elections et Thomas Gagnon est administrateur-président-secrétaire.
PQM Inc.
PQM inc. est la compagnie qui détient le site web sur lequel les résultats du vote était présenté:
PQM veut dire Production Québec Multimédia et est la propriété de Jacques Landry, mais est à la même adresse que les 3 autres compagnies, c'est-à-dire au 217, LÉONIDAS à Rimouski.
Thomas Gagnon
J'en conclue que toutes les compagnies que j'ai identifiées jusqu'à présent comme acteurs, sauf probablement PQM, appartiennent en majorité à 1 seul homme: Thomas Gagnon.
That's right. Thomas Gagnon all the way through.
Let's see, make a bunch of websites and companies, and on the web, a small enterprise can seem big...
Après avoir débuté sa carrière en 1973 comme programmeur chez STS à Montréal, M. Gagnon a fondé en 1980 Programmation Gagnon, devenue aujourd'hui PG Mensys Systèmes d'Information. Cette entreprise se consacre à la conception et à l'intégration de solutions de gestion pour les secteurs municipal et forestier. Il en est aujourd'hui le président et le responsable du développement des affaires.
M. Gagnon dirige les activités reliées au développement des affaires et à l'expansion de l'entreprise : établissement d'alliances stratégiques, acquisitions et développement des marchés nationaux et internationaux.
M. Gagnon s'est vu nommer « Personnalité du mois d'août 2004 en TI au Québec » par la FIQ.
En plus d'avoir obtenu plusieurs prix dans le Bas-St-Laurent, dont le titre d'entreprise de l'année en 1991 et en 2000, PG Mensys s'est également illustrée sur la scène provinciale en étant lauréate d'un OCTAS en 2002 (affaires électroniques - intranets d'entreprises). Sur la scène canadienne, il s'est mérité la même année un prix CIPA (Canadian Information Productivity Awards) dans la catégorie «Petite entreprise».
Thomas Gagnon : nouveau membre du CRIM
Here's some good info with a great quote, English translation by me, if you don't like mixed English and French, get over it
Not less than 4 of 5 million Quebeckers called to vote in the November 6 [2005] municipal elections will be able to make their selection using an electronic method / technology, une technologie principalement dévelopée ... par la division PG Élections.
If they actually developed anything themselves rather than just repackaging stuff from the States, I will be very surprised.
PG Elections dominates this market with nearly two thirds of the 179 municipalities using electronic voting, the biggest being Montreal and Quebec City. Two other firms, Bell Business Solutions and TM Technologies also have some clients.
« Je crois que Québec [City] sera la première grande ville en Amérique du Nord à procéder par un vote électronique, sans utilisation de papier » affirme Thomas Gagnon
from L'interface technologique du vote démocratique au Québec
Yes, you read that right, he's was PROUD that Quebec City would be using electronic voting machines with no paper records.
The article also says that PG Mensys has 140 employees.
Anyway, I don't have time to track down all the details, I'm no investigative reporter.
Here's a last tidbit to ponder.
We are pleased to announce the creation of PG Elections North America, a subsidiary of PG Mensys Information Systems.
PG Elections NA is entirely dedicated to outsourcing election services throughout North America, and is represented by Mr. Jonathon Hollins, Vice President, International Elections Services.
PG Elections North America, a subsidiary of PG Mensys Information Systems (same news as New subsidiary: PG Elections North America 2005-07-28)
Jonathon Hollins... the former head of the Canadian branch of US elections giant ES&S.
Any relation to John Hollins, the Chief Election Officer of Ontario (Elections Ontario), one may legitimately wonder.
Here's some of what it says on BBV for PG Elections NA
Here is a poorly translated list of key contacts at the parent company PGMensys:
GENERAL President-director: Thomas Gagnon
FINANCES: Daniel Desaulniers
MARKETING: Sylvain Gauthier
SALES: Sylvain Gauthier
One also wonders what is happening with the Ontario pilot application plan for "alternative voting technologies" (i.e. electronic voting).
And on a final note it seems appropriate to close with
Québec, le 7 novembre 2005 - À la suite de la votation électronique qui a eu lieu hier dans plusieurs municipalités du Québec, dont Québec et Montréal, et bien que l'ensemble du système soit présentement sous analyse, PG Elections tient à apporter les précisions suivantes sur ce qui sest passé.
* Quelque cinq réseaux informatiques ont cessé de fonctionner mais ont été rétablis dans de courts délais;
* Tous les votes ont été reçus et compilés même si des terminaux de votation ont cessé de fonctionner à Québec;
* Certaines urnes électroniques se sont avérées défectueuses;
* Les problèmes informatiques ont causé des retards dans la transmission des résultats électoraux aux partis politiques et aux médias;
* Le personnel des élections étant temporaire et moins habitué il semble y avoir eu certains problèmes au niveau du soutien technique et dans l'utilisation des terminaux dans les bureaux de vote.
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